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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Western Disturbance effect: Chilly winds lead to drop in mercury in Chandigarh

Both the maximum and the minimum temperatures recorded a drop on Sunday as a fresh Western Disturbance (WD) started to affect the city.
The minimum temperature plunged to 4.4 degrees below normal, dipping from 8.4°C on Saturday to 7.6°C on Sunday. This was the lowest minimum temperature since 5.8°C on February 9.
The maximum temperature also fell from 23.3°C on Saturday to 22.6°C on Sunday, 1.8 degrees below normal and lowest since 22.2°C on February 10.
Speaking about this, IMD officials said, “With the WD is approaching, the day temperature remained on the lower side. The weather was clear at night that caused the night temperature to drop. There is also an impact of snowfall in Himachal Pradesh and Kashmir, bringing cold winds to the region.”
IMD officials have, meanwhile, ruled out rain, while predicting cloudy weather on Monday and Tuesday, which will cause the minimum temperature to rise.
Over the next three days, the maximum temperature will remain between 22°C and 24°C, and the minimum temperature between 9°C and 11°C.
